1. Disliked and reported for fake info it is scientifically proven by sir roger elen riannon himself that eating from blue plates next to a window six times a day burns thirty seven times more fat

  2. Wow! I don't think I can't eat only one meal a day! Eat 1500 calories in one sitting!!! Where will I put that much food? How can you do that!!!  Great video, by the way! Thank you!

  3. I really liked this video because it wasn’t filled with bullshit and this is a pretty informative channel overall and I’m 16 and back in November or December I started going to the gym and eating right and I went from 193 pounds to 169 pounds (I lost 24 pounds) and it’s only been a couple months too so I’m pretty happy and I can see muscle gains too

  4. The idea of eating once a day is counter productive it slows metabolism…the body is a survival mechanism…by feeding it 6-8 small meals over the course of a day it says hey there are plenty of resources I can burn calories…when only fed once it says uh oh maybe there isn’t plenty of food available I better conserve

  5. The only way I've been able to do the eat once a day is to set my countdown timer on my phone starting when I finish my meal at around 7pm to twenty hours. Once it goes of I can eat I have a two hour window and then restart. After a week it becomes automatic and my mind and body becomes in tune with the phone. I do have a day off (Saturday) but it's helped in so many ways. I've not lost a load of weight but feel soooooooooo much better. Give it a try, a free life hack from me 🙂

  6. You literally gave out bad fad info that you promised you wouldn't….

    You harped on double servings of wine but quickly brushed over yogurt as good because its on the outside without pointing out that…..99%of yogurt is processed junk food.

    Blue plate hack has been scientifically proven to reduce comsumption.

    Eating the exact same macros once or twice a day as opposed to 3-6 times a day helps weight loss tremendously because there's only 1-2 insulin spikes for the day.

    You gave out bad information. Just like most of the rest.

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