1. Oh my goodness yes!! I have celiac and only found out recently so I have just stopped eating breakfast completely because im scared to eat out and im not a good cook(both of my parents are chefs though). Ive been looking for easy recipes and honestly everyone else’s was really complicated so Thank you so much!!

  2. Hello everyone! I thought I might us, is there anyone Lebanese/Syrian out here? I tried making this garlic paste/sause that I tried at a local Syrian restaurant and after some googling I found its recipe. The recipe referred to the sauce as "Toum" which apparently means garlic :D. Well I followed all the steps of the recipe, pulsing my garlic in the food processor, then leaving the food processor running and slowly (very slowly) adding sunflower oil into the food processor to emulsify it with the garlic. However, after 20 minutes it has barely risen and as I tasted it although it didn't taste bad it did not taste like the one at the restaurant. I am not sure what I did wrong. Maybe my food processor is not powerful enough, maybe I was adding garlic and oil in wrong proportions or maybe the recipe I found which only called for garlic, oil and lemon juice is missing some ingredient. I would appreciate any tips you would be able to give me! Thanks in advance 🙂

  3. This looks great! I have a few questions though. 1st, how long can the muffins be stored for in the pantry? 2nd, can I use frozen ingredients such as frozen berries??

  4. Can you make a video on different styles of cooking eggs (e.g. Poached, scrambled, boiled) along with tasty recipes to include them in- for breakfast lunch or dinner? Eggs are really versatile and your recipes are always so delicious ??

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