1. To improve circulation , and warm You up in the winter time. Make a tea out of cayenne pepper, ginger, horse radish , and Epsom salt, ans soak Your feet in a foot tub in as hot a water as You can stand. Just Cayenne and ginger with Epsom works too.

  2. he's so full of Bullshit I'm not even gonna watch it. these lies are coming from spoiled rotten arrogant narcissists that have never done a fucking hard days work in their lives. but they think they know about pain. but they themselves don't live with the pain.

  3. How are injections natural? The title is misleading. He's got an odd definition of natural. They might work but injections aren't "natural", nor are acupuncture and foam rollers. And there's nothing fast about finding them, traveling to hospitals, and getting injections from Dr's and acupuncturists unless you're rich enough to employ one at home. Othérwise; great video, and great advice.

  4. Could this help someone that has wrist, hand bone implants, and grafts? Plus has a heart defibrillator, and severe arthritis pain. Any recommendations to relieve this man of chronic pain? He'd like to get off these pain killers that are killing him. I enjoy learning from you. You're very informative.

  5. Again, always helpful, thank you! HOWEVER, if I wanted to take Cayenne, Turmeric and Ginger in capsule replacing Advil or Tylenol, HOW much should I take? 1 capsule each? 20? Thank you

  6. This is a good video but I have a book that mentions that arnica is toxic and could be dangerous and cause side effects. I love turmeric, matcha tea, peppermint, raw beef liver..wild fish, exercise, dry fasting and water fasting. The pain comes back a lot during fasting and then it reduces.

  7. Thank you for the info! I really like using Boswellia for inflammation and joint pain for people and dogs. I wonder if stem cell, PRP etc are helpful for joints that has missing cartilage…

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