1. I lost 40 pounds by doing a 1,800 daily calorie cap and working out 3 times a week for 2 hours. Also some hard yard work. I switched to diet soda and still ate want i wanted. 5 months and I'm keeping with it.

  2. What a stupid video. I weigh 260 pounds at 6 foot 5 inches, so the BMI scale would tell you that I'm overweight and nearing obesity levels. How fat am I actually? Maybe a rough 20% body fat range (not serious about diet restrictions but trying), but I workout in the gym 4-5 times a week and include HIIT cardio sprints or cycling into my training because what these brilliant journalists fail to understand is that muscle weighs ALOT more than fat. Almost every collegiate and NFL football athlete is technically overweight or obese based on Body Measure Index standards (which is a complete joke).

    Your weight loss goal should be more of a fat loss goal, and the best way to achieve that quicker along with an improved diet is to EXERCISE. Do not listen to these idiots tell you that "exercise is great and all, BUT…" because it's a completely asinine thought to think that exercise has little benefit to your weight loss goals. Exercise will increase your metabolic rate as you stress your heart and body to higher levels of intensity.

    Stop making excuses and listening to videos that tell you exercise is NOT the best way to lose weight, because it'll just reaffirm the excuse to be lazy. Get to the gym and start testing your limits if you want to see real changes in yourself.

  3. Its not about calories ffs. Its about hormones in your body and what you eat. Cortisol is a hormone that blocks fat from being used as a fuel source. When you exercise vigorously it helps to lower cortisol making fat burning easier. Its not about burning calories with exercise its about lowering your Cortisol levels to maximize fat loss.

  4. Is it just me, or do most of Vox's videos end up being completely useless and more then often not giving the full picture to spin a message?

    Because I haven't seen a single video from Vox that isn't leaving out a lot or being of any use what so ever.

  5. Very true. Every time I go to the gym there’s always a group of people I see that have always been overweight and never changed, and they have been exercising for years. Because no amount of exercise can overcome bad eating habits. What’s the point of running for 30 minutes if you’re just gonna eat an extra meal or 2 that day cause your workout made you hungry. Most people just end up eating twice as many calories as they burned from their workouts.

  6. Will this work if you wanna get skinny but don't mind losing muscle too? Right now i have no need for great muscle strength. I make a living off cashiering not hunting. If i gotta defend myself then i can always resort to a weapon. I aint trying to fight nobody and i aint trying to impress the ladies with mucles so if this method will get rid of the fat then i will follow it.

  7. Dieting alone isn't the best way to lose weight either. It's much easier to be in a caloric deficit while also exercising. Exercise allows you to eat more and healthier (you need essential fats and protein), keeps you awake and attentive (avoiding "hilbernation") and keeps the mood up. Still, any moderate amount of exercise can be offset by just a little amount of food. That's why it's important to track calories, in and out.

  8. this is a stupid video , it gives very little content to combat the weight loss problem . it goes on and on and on about how weight loss is difficult , but it provides no solution to the problem . the best solution to the problem is to stop eating . well you say everyone already knows that . that's true , what people don't understand is what happens when you stop eating . when you stop eating your body will begin feeding on itself . the technical word is autophagy ( from the greek meaning self devour ) . when you are hungry and asleep at night a rebuilding process is taking place inside your body . your body will clean out toxins and it will take part of the stored energy within and use that energy to rebuild your body into a leaner more efficient muscular machine . in a nutshell , it will take the bad parts and turn them into good parts . also in a nutshell , try intermittent fasting as a weight loss solution .

  9. This video doesn’t mention a few very important points. First, type of exercise is important. Weight training impacts bmr – directly by raising it for hours after training and indirectly by improving body composition by increasing the amount of lean mass (muscle), which requires more energy to maintain than fat. Building lean muscle is in my opinion one of the most important things for long term success. Maintaining a skinny fat physique is neither healthy nor sustainable in the long term. Even the expression “losing weight” is not a great one – weight is composed of many factors and just losing weight should not be the goal. Losing fat and building muscle is the goal. Another thing is that your daily energy burn also has a very important component called “NEAT”- non exercise activity thermogenesis. Fidgeting, walking around, etc. In the scientific lit (esp. see Lyle McDonald) NEAT has been found to have a much greater impact than bmr. In this video I guess they just lumped it together with exercise but that does not make for accurate results because it is a dynamic factor in itself. Actually one of the reasons why some people have a so called “fast” metabolism is that some people just tend to move more subconsciously throughout the day due to various factors including hormones, environment, job, society etc. I get the point of this video but a lot of people take an all or nothing approach and just start restricting calories without stimulating muscle growth through proper resistance exercise and without a regard for macronutrients and their role in body composition. Resistance exercise, good nutrition and being more active in general (take the stairs not the lift etc) IS important for fat loss is the bottom line here.

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