1. @Valeria Lipovetsky Due to the toxic levels of vitamin A found in Cod Liver Oil you shouldn't be taking it due to the damage it can cause to your liver. (and yes that is even distilled cod liver oil) Researchers have reported that mushrooms can provide as much vitamin D as a supplement or you could find a plant based supplement such as Source of Life Garden D3 supplement. Just want you and your little ones to be healthy! x Look into Michael Gregor at NutritionFacts for where I got my info if you'd like to research into it more, he is a Naturopathic Doctor.

  2. I just purchased nearly all the products you recommended, including the cod liver oil! 🙂 Thanks for sharing what you use to keep your hair looking beautiful… hoping these products will work well for me, too!

  3. this may be an odd question, but how do I know if the coconut oils are suitable?! I presume they shouldn't be fragranced, but what else should I​ look out for? thanks xx

  4. Hi Valeria! Your hair is so pretty! I also love the length of your hair as well! I agree with totally that coconut oil is the number one key to have healthy shiny hair. It is also excellent for hair growth as well.

  5. Hi Valeria, I can tell you live in southern Ontario, because of the coconut oil brand, Live Clean and your Senior Discounts on Thursday’s at our premium drugstore lol. If you are ever near a Goodness Me grocery store you can find a Canadian brand of collagen instead of ordering online. I used to order mine online until it went temporarily out of stock and I found some locally, thank goodness. It’s called Organika Enhanced Collagen.

  6. It's so true about the cod liver oil! I'm from the Netherlands and my parents always made me take a fishoil pill and I absolutely hated it! So I stopped taken them but recently I started again because it is so beneficial!

  7. COD LIVER OIL <3 I am Ukrainian and my mom always made me take it and I used to absolutely love it…havent had it much as an adult but I wanna give it another go. Thanks for your recommendations!

  8. The Argan rain %100 Pure Argan Oil is a great product. I have used another brand in the past but feel that this one works just as well. I use at as a leave in conditioner mostly at night because I feel it really hydrates my hair. In doing this my hair looks so much better as far as shine and body and I don't have as many flyaways. My ends are not nearly as dry as when I started using the Argan Oil which helps to not look so dull. I am happy with this product and will continue to use it as well.

  9. Hey Valeria, I love your videos ? you are such a natural cool person!
    I just want to ask you how often you cut your hair and if you have a special time for it? or if you maybe do it your own? Did you ever have short hair or thought about cut them to a short haircut?
    warm regards! ?

  10. Please help. My hair has always been my pride and joy. I figured since it is pretty damn healthy, it could deal with some bleach damage. And I figured the master stylist who did all the color-corrections would know how much would be too much. I was wrong, and now I want to burst into tears every time I look at my hair or touch it. I just don't know what to do. my hair has also NEVER been shorter than this and it breaks and falls out. What should i do to regrow hair?

  11. Valeria, you are beautiful and such a dynamic personality. Someone I can look up to as my fashion and beauty icon. All your videos are genuine stuff. I am your new subscriber from Pakistan. Much love. More power to you. <3

  12. Just to note: in my area (Canada), they make cod liver oil capsules—we use them in some horses's feed to give them a shiny coat 😀 Might be worth looking into –they may have it in your area. 🙂

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