20 Additional Exposure Locations Identified In Oakland County Measles Outbreak

State health officials have confirmed almost 20 additional exposure locations to a measles outbreak in Oakland County.

The places include hospitals, pharmacies, and convenience stores in the area.

Last week, there was a confirmed case of travel-related measles in Oakland County.

There are now five cases of the virus confirmed.

Symptoms include high fever, cough, and a rash.

County health officials warn it is highly contagious and say for everyone to get vaccinated.

The vaccination is still effective in the first three days of exposure.

They also say if you do show symptoms, call ahead before going to the doctor’s office or emergency room so they can take steps to prevent others from being exposed.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the MMR vaccine has saved more than 700,000 Americans since 1994.

For a full list of exposed locations, go to www.oakgov.com/health

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