1. i feel bad that you feel bad that you can't show off your expensive products on your channel. tati youve earned your money through hard work and you deserve it all. don't feel bad for having nice things. x

  2. Wait, I'm confused. Isn't the Hourglass Vanish stick a cream highlight? And she put it on top of her bake and her Guerlain powder. Isn't cream/liquid on powder a big no-no?
    Can someone please explain?

  3. Love your high end videos. I devour drugstore videos as they are in my price range, however the investment made in the Viseart eyeshadow was worth every penny. Having only ever owned drugstore eye shadows I finally understand what you mean when you say they Blend Themsleves. Yes they do. Little elves in those shadows.

  4. I enjoyed it! 🙂 I will never be able to afford buying all of this, but like you said, if you find one item you superduperwant then you can save up to it 🙂 For me its probably that Hourglass stick highlighter.

  5. Tati I have to say this first that you truly are a breath of fresh air. Never apologize for doing the high end luxury videos. We all know you are a drugstore queen just as well. And these types of videos are helpful to some of us who do love high end or maybe considering buying a more expensive product. You are truly one of the most knowledgeable, honest and good hearted beauty vlogger in the community. Don’t apologize for being able to afford these types of products you have worked your ass off and climbed to the top to deserve it. You really are one of my most favorite vloggers out there cause you’re around my age so your helpful to me for buying products for people more around our age. I love you girl keep doing you! Xoxox

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