1. it is hard to believe is that the mainstream dieting mantras like “Eat less, exercise more” and “Count every calorie” are actually ineffective for the majority of dieters. I’ll spare you the heaps of statistical evidence—it’s evident simply by looking around. proof for yourself right here, right now.>> http://corneey.com/wtd2s7

  2. Um…when u say to keep a handful of healthy snacks on hand for cravings you brought up fruit, nuts, yogurt but everything you brought up except nuts doesn't work as a portable snack. :/ I'm pretty sure I don't wanna snack on nuts every single time I'm out and about. ~_~ as much as I love fruit and enjoy a simple yogurt they're just not the type of foods or snacks you can carry around on u. And for the fruit it also depends on what fruit that is too I guess. Cuz some are just fine but others need to be refrigerated.

  3. A friend of mine found the particular “lyly amazing guide” on Google. She dropped 12 lbs in just a couple of days. I am trying this diet now and also the results so far have been far beyond my wildest dreams. It comes extremely suggested. You can find that on Google.

  4. I don't understand why we need hacks or tips , yes I know its difficult to lose weight , I have been through it I was about 12 and 160 pounds , I know , but I didn't look at hacks and I didn't need tips , yes you could say its easier for children to lose weight , but that doesn't change the fact that if you are commited to losing weight and you want to be healthier it can be easy for anyone , I was exercising all the time , I was always swimming, on the trampoline, or cycling , all I changed in my diet was try not to snack and if you do snack eat vegetables or fruit , that was the only thing I changed. I tried my hardest to exercise , I would even just cycle to our local shop just so I could exercise! I started doing mountain biking because I loved it not because I felt pressured to so I could lose weight, I didn't get depressed , if anything I got happier because I was healthier , even though I was still very overweight I was still getting more confident. I didn't think when I was younger the saying "healthier is happier" is right but I definitely felt better not just mentally but all round.
    I am now 14 , 5 foot 6 and 130 pounds and still trying to be healthier , I know I am still not the "perfect" weight , but I am happier and healthier and definitely more confident!

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