1. Hello Patriot Nurse, quick question.. On stocking up on medications. One of my family members takes Armor for thyroid. What would you suggest for stock piling that drug since its regulated and is there a alternative

  2. The Body is self healing self regulating. This is why the medical industrial complex is the third leading cause of death(Medical Intervention) The body is fighting something let it do its job.

  3. I have Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency, my adrenal glands no longer produce cortisol, I'm on hydrocortisone for the rest of my life and without I'll die (Great for SHTF I know!). Cortisol helps reduce inflammation and fevers. If I get fever I'm meant to take an emergency injection to reduce the fever, as it could kill me.
    I've always wondered if I should take less, so it helps my immune system but the fever stays and helps to kill the bacteria/virus. But if I got too feverish I could end up too weak to inject myself. So I'm not sure what to do. I imagine I'd go with the injection but medical advice would be welcome.

  4. So far I've always had success using homeopathy. In particular, hyland's 4kids complete cold n' flu tablets, to bring down fever. Any thoughts on homeopathy?

  5. I went to Mexico for cancer treatment. They used Coleys to attempt to induce a high fever in me. Theory is, our immune systems are bolstered by and need to experience fevers. Unless a fever is excessively high as PN has stated, let it do its job which is burning the bad juju out of your body. Being able to run a fever is a blessing. Also, a chronic low grade fever and night sweats are an indication that something is bad wrong. In my case my body was telling me I had Lymphoma. Good news, cancer free for 7 years. God is Good.

  6. Im going to be honest right now , I know that nurses dont get tips but I literally think they should because they work really hard . Esepcially the WWFD nurses (What Would Florence Do) . If you have to go to the emergency room for whatver reason and you have a good nurse then TIP HER.

  7. A subscriber sent me this channel saying that ThePatrioticNurse could teach classes for subscribers to the Survival Group Program at http://terral03.com. Part of my job is to provide threat assessment and contingency planning for hundreds of families in the Program and this lady makes some very-good common sense points for all survivalists/preppers to keep in mind. That said: The number 1 reason survivalists/preppers will bite the dust is due to their inability to accurately identify the threats in the first place for beginning the contingency-planning stage. For example: All of the preparation in the world will be for nothing, if you have not identified the primary threat connected to the inbound Black Star already moving in the inner solar system. Earth will suffer a Black Star/magnetically-induced geological pole shift from Black Star/Earth near proximity in the month of May. Then, Earth will move away from the Black Star for the Sun to recapture Earth magnetic polarity control to generate a second more-powerful geological pole shift that stands our planet back up again. Ocean waters will crawl upon the land in some cases for hundreds of miles with each pole shift event.


    Never heard of Project Black Star? Read the Operations Section of the Dakota Report and hopefully your eyes to do not gloss over from Normalcy Bias.

    The Black Star will move to perihelion position next to the Sun and cause the Sun to turn dark, which will cause Earth magnetosphere to fluctuate causing extreme high temperatures in the daytime and extreme cold temperatures at night. Therefore, a successful plan for neutralizing 'all' Black Star-related threats must include securing a large underground cavern position with a large well-prepared survival group and well before the crap hits the fan. Building relationships with survival group leadership, landowners and survival group members is vital to increasing the chances of survival for everyone involved. All of the details are worked out concerning buggout bags, buggout locations, staging area properties, storing of survival supplies, meet/greet sessions, work-week sessions on the staging area property, so on and forth; and all well before the anticipated 'event.' Hire yourself the best threat assessment-contingency planner possible with years of experience in helping survivalists/preppers, which is exactly what you get by subscribing to the Newsletter/Survival Group Program at http://terral03.com for just 50 dollars per year; and that includes a one-year newsletter subscription with 52-weekly issues, a youtube update video (long and short versions) and a radio show update report with everything accessible using the 2018 Dropbox Folder.

    Terral’s 2018 Newsletter 05: https://goo.gl/qGJxVe

    Here is a complimentary link to last Thursday's newsletter with the video report links at the top and links to recent radio show interviews on the final page in the Radio Section. Check out my youtube channel at Terral BlackStar and get more information at http://terral03.com if interested. Do not be scared, but be prepared. There are five survival group options currently for subscribers in the United States with four in the Ozarks and one along the Texas/New Mexico Border. The Survival Group Leadership has a plan for you.

  8. Thank you! I don't use OTC cold/flu remedies, they make me restless, and uncomfortable. I will flop around in bed with an unusual sensation. It isn't fun. I just don't use OTC meds. I will use aspirin or nothing at all.

  9. I was just wondering if you've heard about the crazy increase of Scarlet Fever in UK and the recent death of a 7 yo girl in Indiana from SF, flu and strep? Deaths and hospitalizations are near modern record highs. Sounds like things are getting rougher lately. God bless, keep doing what you're doing Patriot Nurse. 🙂

  10. This might be a little off the subject. I would like to know what you think about Patriot Greens. It was created by a doctor and has all vegetables in it, and has a lot of advantages to the 50+ generation for joint pain. Also keeps bowel movement regular? You're channel gives hope to many. Keep on keeping on!

  11. Hello I’m a mother and young nana you are so smart I mean that compliment I’m so glad I found you I knew a lot after raising five children five by the time I was 29 it was a choice me and my husband agreed upon and we are still in love and we have suffered so much loss as well I’m a little afraid because I never got a flu shot until three years ago and I gotta whooping cough shot as well since I care for my grand babies and I got ostioarthritis within one year and I now have deformed fingers I’m scared because I didn’t get a flu shot for myself and my 10 year old I’m worried I didn’t make the right decision we aren’t getting one I hope we’ll be ok so far so good thank you for sharing your good knowledge I subscribe to a few channels for the right but it’s wonderful to watch a woman you know what I mean nothing weird it’s just so many channels are men good men but it’s just nice to hear from another lady and a nurse. And I also took a lot of flack for not working and staying home for many years from working women who judged me and I’m happy to say I have four educated hard working daughters on there own married with children who work very hard to make ends meet two are in the nursing program now one runs a medical office a large one the other in school and working in a drug rehabilitation paying it forward love that one she picked herself up by her bootstraps from the street it took five years to where she is now so proud I’m going to binge on all your videos and support we have a gun and sporting range here and I’m going to take there gun safety course lessons and carry I will be responsible but the world is getting a little scary and I love my family

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