1. Is there a chart for how long food lasts in the fridge after it is cooked? If you do all your meal preps on sunday, are all foods going to last until saturday? How long to fruits last when cut up? Do some meats last longer after cooked than others? Other foods that come to mind as to how long they can be stored in the fridge are Rice, Cheese, Pasta, Hamburger, Bacon

  2. it's funny, I watch a lot of meal prep videos on your channel an on Alyssia's channel … but I usually just pick a recipe to cook out of them 😉 this video, which is less about the recipes, and more about the prep, really helped me realize that I should get back in the habit of prepping some things I used to make (like the lettuce!) and start prepping some things I've never prepped, like fresh fruit, a side of versatile grains, maybe even try that chicken, and the prepped veggies (because I am trying to eat more of those, and I usually fall short on being too lazy to cut them 😛 ).

    Terrific video Sara, I might just go and get my veggies for a mushroom soup I'm planning to cook this week ready later on today 😉

  3. The inside of ur refridgerator looks beautiful. One day i hope to be able to eat more like you. I think i got a good mix going. I think i just need to experiment with more veggies to see what my family likes. Thanks for the tips. Great video as always. ?

  4. I need to meal prep. I have a question. Most veggies and cooked meals dont last more than a few days. If you meal plan for the week how does it last the whole week? Sorry. Im very new to meal prep.

  5. I am a new subscriber and you and your recipes are the answer to my healthy eating problems! I cant wait to try out all of your ideas! Thank you sooo much!!

  6. I love this video! It really makes the daunting meal prep idea seem less daunting!! ☺️ Do you have or could you do a video on your favorite meal prep containers or non-food essentials?

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