1. These are so helpful, thank you! I've been diagnosed with candida and a bacterial imbalance in my gut and need to be on all of these restrictions + low sugar too lol :p feels like there's nothing I can eat anymore and it's awkward to explain to people

  2. Love the ideas but the only problem with frozen fruit is that you have not been able to wash them from chemicals. I do actually give mine a quick rinse in cold water. The best way to reduce the chemicals in all fruit and veg , is in water and apple cider vinegar, left to sit for 10mins I believe.

  3. Hi Becky. I really want to start to make smoothies but no idea what to put in as pineapple is quite acidic and worried about fructose for ibs. Any recipe suggestions?

  4. I'm a single mum, all kids have gluten issues and mines milk. I Love your videos, really useful videos. I added most of your videos to my go to list. Best UK channel for Gluten free videos, well that's what I think !

  5. Your meal prep video is awesome! Everything you prepared looks so do-able. Yes, would like to see more of these meal prep videos. Keep up the good work. It is appreciated.

  6. I'm currently starting a Low FODMAP diet after years of struggling through stomach pain. Seeing your recipes have lifted such a huge stress off my shoulders of what to eat! Thank you so so so much for what you do! x

  7. Hi, I'm new to the FODMAP diet (I have M.E/cfs) and me and my mom are really struggling to find food I like and can eat. These videos are amazing and are really helping me! Thank you so much and keep doing what you do 🙂

  8. Hi, Becky! I'm so pleased finding your youtube because I've just started following LOW FODMAP and I am struggling with finding suitable ingredients. Can I ask which brand the stock cube is? Thanks for your recipe! 🙂

  9. i really liked the easy recipes that you presented – the chicken marinades are a really great idea that i can use. i need to find a sub for the citrus but think pineapple juice might be just the thing as it is acidic, what do you think? i like the fritatta very much and have been planning to do something like that in muffin cups because i really do need to eat more protein in the morning. thanks for sharing these ideas and the video – more please! ~k

  10. Hi Becky! Where do you get your garlic infused olive oil/ what brand is it? I’ve struggled trying to find infused oils in my grocery stores. Thanks for this video! You inspire me to be more adventurous with my spices:)

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