1. What if I already decide to cut out sugar, processed food, and lower my bread and starch intake. And just that lowers my calorie intake by 800 or more. Is it unhealthy to lower it further?

  2. I am level 13 in winter in the weekends I'm level 12 in spring/summer at school I'm level 14 I like running 13.5 to 14 but in weekends summer/spring I'm level 12.5 or 13 but when I go to a wedding dance it is 14 level I like to run dance play and dancing my most favourite they also have healthy food there.

  3. I recently google to know more about a diet plan I heard about via a colleague who just shed a whopping 12 lbs! I actually Googled the “fetching tuti space” right away to know more about this.

  4. what i do is i take my ideal weight and multiply that by 10 –
    so if i want to be 180 LBS -180 X10 =1800
    after that i calculate how much exercise ill do and if i went to over board with exercise , ill eat extra -a little here and there.

  5. If I am 232lbs and 6 foot. Working out 3 times a week lifting at 50% of 1Rm on compound lifts for power and 3×12 for hypertrophy at 70% of 1RM. What should my daily caloric needs for fat loss??? I also do about 10-15 of low intensity cardio before and after.

  6. Since November 1st 2017, (300 pounds) with today being Dec. 26/17, I have lost 46 pounds … I am currently 254 🙂

    BEING VEGAN and walking uphill daily between 8-12 km, while having nutritious 1200-1400 Cals a day 🙂 I keep losing roughly 25 pounds a month 🙂 no hunger pains – NO REFINED SUGAR/SALT cravings 🙂 I can be found as “luxCRUSADER” @ MyFitnessPal for a Progress Report 🙂

    The found you show in your video is GARBAGE !!!!

  7. We tried this diet myself after seeing how my colleague benefited from that. In the beginning I of course wanted to do this and I have dropped a grand overall of 14lbs from the “sowo amazing plan” (Google it). I believe much better after trying this particular life-altering diet.

  8. This seems right to me…
    About 2100 to maintain and about 1600 to lose.
    I've got mine set to 1500. Perhaps I'll need to tweak it once I start working out but that seems to be pretty good.
    5ft 7in.
    Male 27
    165lbs. Currently.

  9. Most people have no idea how many calories are in the foods they eat. At least once in your life you have to count calories so you know that a banana is about 110 calories, a ½ cup of oatmeal is 150 calories and so on. You really should know roughly how many calories you are eating at all times. When you know, it’s easier then to make adjustments.

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