1. 29 cents per avocado is crazy! Wow! FYI I have gotten the Costco frozen steamable broccoli florets and I didn't love it! I found they didn't cook evenly in the microwave (I don't always cook veggies in the microwave but when I buy the steamer ones I do) and the pieces were really unevenly cut – many huge chunks. I've preferred getting them in the walk in refrigerator and separating myself to freeze.

  2. How is the no dairy going? I haven’t cut that yet..I don’t eat a lot of it to begin with but I’ve mainly just stopped gluten per my endo. Just wanted to see if that should be something I should be doing

  3. Sorry you are going through this but a friend of mine is controlling her thru diet and she is going really well. Another friends just got what you have a few months back and I shared your video with her. I have psoriasis mainly on scalp but I feel that some things you share could help me as well. Thanks for all you do.

  4. I would love to see gluten free and dairy free dinner ideas. My son and I are I that diet and I find it hard to not get stuck in a rut. Meat and veggies or a potato. You know the drill haha ?

  5. Awesome haul! Gave me great ideas. I will have to look for Brazil nuts… I always forget to grab them. I have wanted to add them to my diet. Kept hitting back because of the kiddos. Lol. I will have to rewatch with a pen and paper sometime so Mommy brain doesn't forget everything! I love putting chicken salad ( I like adding fruit and nuts to mine with celery and mayo usually I do grapes or dried cranberries if I am not watching sugar but wonder I cherries would work in that. ) in romaine lettuce or doing Asian wraps chicken and sliced veg and dip in coconut aminos. Yum! Video made me hungry!

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