1. Lets face it, the average person in society, would benefit if they stopped drinking other forms of liquid, and started drinking 6-8 glasses of filtered clean water per day. Im not saying it is a necessity, im saying that the average person is ingesting so many crappy foods and liquids, that we should not be telling people YOU DO NOT NEED TO / SHOULDNT DRINK 6-8 GLASSES OF WATER PER DAY. Besides , doing this, sets up better habits then drinking soda pop and alcohol , and is better at cleaning the body of toxins and better for our organs. As far as I know, it isn't dangerous either, since im not aware of any adult human, that died from over hydration, because they drank 6-8 glasses of water per day.

  2. You mentioned in a previous video on what breaks your fast, that chewing activates insulin, thus breaking your fast. Stupid question, but what about sugar free gum. I'm doing keto and IF. Down 18 pounds in the past 3 weeks. I'm having success, not hungry much during fasting, but do get dry mouth. Thank You for all you do.

  3. THANK U DR BERRY THIS IS LIFE 4 ME,I AM An OTR TRUCK DRIVER and I don't have time 2 keep stopping 2 urinate.I use 2 try 2 drink half my body weight and found myself stopping All the Time,it was Truly Frustrating ?My husband and I drive teams and we both started the Keto diet 2/19/18 We're both SUPER Excited. I came Across Ur vids a cpl wks ago and I LOVE Ur Approach ????❤THNX AGAIN and I Will Update R Results❤??

  4. When they take my shoes off & measure my hydration they always say I'm dehydrated. I can't make more trips to the bathroom in my work environment. So I don't increase my water intake. I'm not thirsty. What is this dehydration they quote?

  5. Amen! I'm on a face book group and these women think that you loose weight by drinking a gallon of water a day! Believe me they will go to war over this! I told one woman if she was thirsty by all means drink!

  6. I watch sv3rige & Frank Tufano who eat raw meat. I am keto but now carnivore more than 5 days a week. Not doing raw yet but they both say water dehydrates us – huh? Also years ago I read that our thirst trigger drops as we age. So what is the truth on water? And raw meat??

  7. thank you, just discovered this channel….i used to eat keto diet, stopped, went back and for some reason it didn't work….so now i'm afraid to try it again….i did it for a good ten years originally, got off track

  8. Thank you Dr. Berry!  I'm a new fan and have learned so much from you.  I have a question a little off-topic.  What is your opinion of monk fruit sweetener?  Does it also spike blood sugar and cause an insulin response?

  9. My poor wife still believes all the old ideas like the 8 glasses a day of water, avoiding fat, avoiding salt, etc… I'm trying to educate her with these videos, but its hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

  10. great video~!~ I add Himalayan salt to my water….. I don't over do…. I don't drink while eating my OMAD and like Dr Berg also says, I don't gulp gallons of H2O….. I have a good amount, but I'm not peeing the most expensive urine in the world~!~ yes, love your videos…. I so enjoy your… earbuds and all~!~ Sarah

  11. Dr. Berry, 

    I would be interested to hear about your thoughts on late night binge eating and hunger. Would you have any suggestions on how to finally overcome these cravings and take back my dignity lol!? Thanks and love your channel.

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