1. I read a fellows journal about living in Costa Rica. He had a 101 year old lady make him lunch one day. She made black beans similar to these and patted out homemade tortillas…after grinding the nixtamal fresh, and sliced a block of cheese so incredibly thin you could see through it lol. He said her house had a dirt floor but it was spotless. He said her son was 84 and could run and ride a bicycle faster than he could…he was 33 at the time. He said she did not put on any aeirs and graciously called him "son". He said the whole experience was very humbling and he could not help feeling shabby in her presence. These people are good examples of what a clean heathy diet will do. Everytime black beans are mentioned or I eat them, I think of this mans journal, the gracefull old woman and her son.

  2. DJ Barbecue, OMG I'm at home watching you for the first time in Woodbridge, VA on ROKU and I am now a true fan #Subscriber! I was nodding while in bed, ready to go to go sleep and when I saw you pop lock it, I lost it! The BBQ Bean recipe is now on my family dinner menu along with this video. Lol Please come back with more. This is what makes American Great Again! We are ONE!

  3. Dj bbq you are disgusting cooking with all your rings on your fingers. Most dirty filthy cooking I have seen until now on British.
    Learn your skills in the kitchen unless you are meant to play the clown without the small smile.

  4. Hey guys, for our weekly MEXICAN FOOD Youtube-Show in Germany we are looking for some music to use. Any music creators here, willing to make the deal of course for a mention in every single episode they appear in?

    Hit me up!I appreciate you guy´s hustle!

  5. Bro, you seem like you lost the plot a little. You put WAY to much things (ingredients) in one dish/pot. I have bloating only by watching this. Also you use to much water in this cooking, tin tomatoes have plenty of water already, and you ad more water! Jeez. Learn how to make good sauce with out this amount of water should not be a big deal. Look up for e.g chinese, they have a rule , use 3 or 5 ingredients only. Food should be clean and transparent, not mad mishmash- I trow everything i can find around me. lol.

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