1. I swear I don't intend this comment to be as horrible as it sounds lol but you're soo pretty that I didn't expect you to be so funny/relatable?? I feel like it's so uncommon for people who are THAT attractive to also be so down to earth idk. With that said, love you!! haha

  2. Have you ever heard of Heimish All Clean Balm? I use it every night as first step cleanser before a water based cleanser. It helps to break down even the most waterproof mascara (my eyes are quite sensitive and it doesnt bother them). Then you go in with your other cleanser and voila – clean fresh skin. And you can usually get it for $18 US or less. My HG oil cleanser.

  3. Not seeing any changes in your under eyes is why you use a under eye creme. It keeps wrinkles and lines away. Also, where is the sunscreen? Keeps the lines and wrinkles away. Can you tell that I am obsessed with keeping lines and wrinkles away? ?

  4. Do you know when the Fresh Essence is being released? I've looked on the website but cannot find a release date. I want to try it! AND I can totally relate to the forgetting the eye cream thing! (palm on face emoji)

  5. I have my eye on that Farmacy Honey mask. Ugh. Looks delicious. I have sensitive acne-prone skin, too! Drunk Elephant is literally the ONLY thing that doesn't aggravate my skin. You should check out their products.

  6. the reason why you should use eye creams is that you are preventing any drastic changes (aging) from happening, or trying to delay the aging. If you notice any wrinkles or "problems" in general then it's almost too late. There are almost no eye creams out there that can reverse your aging, so it's all for prevention. It's the same reason for skin care, say that you started taking care of your skin at the age of 16, and with years of correct treatments, by 25 your skin age can appear to be only 22, by 30, 25…etc. You shouldn't be noticing any dramatic performances until you are really aged!

  7. Do you experience a lot of pilling with the HA from Ordinary?? I have tried to like it so many times and I don't know if I am just not waiting long enough before putting on my moisturizer or what… but it pills SO BAD on my skin. I feel like after I put it on it pretty much all comes off. 🙁

  8. I need everything. Everything. ? Also, do you ever get pilling when you apply makeup on top of your morning routine? I'm having trouble figuring out what the heck is pilling in my current routine.

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