1. I was a tight sz 10, started IF, went to OMAD, then keto, now mostly carnivory. Since Sept 1st I have lost over 30 lbs and am a sz 2-4. Keto will help with the menopause for sure and also with anxiety & depression. Our brains are meant to work on ketones. Also try watching Dr Fung on fasting and Dr Westman (esply his pg 4) and KenDBerreyMD. They are less weird than Berg and super informative! Good luck!!

  2. I didn't realize how much we have in common. I suffer from anxiety, Bad depression, social anxiety (and because of that I've lost EVERYONE) in menopause and not handling that well at ALL. One of the reasons I started to watch make-up tutorials is to feel like I have friends (how pathetic am I) I'd love to play with make-up but don't own any and don't see in the near future being able to buy any but watching gives me something i can't explain it. I WISH u all the success in everything u do. Be well

  3. Same, same and SAME! I don't say I'm on the Keto but essentially I am. But first a warning for all menopausal women; after strict dieting for months and gaining instead of losing (and my 30 something female doc said it was from using salad dressing…grrr..) it wasn't, it was the HORMONE REPLACEMENT!!! OMG, I almost lost my mind, as soon as I stopped I started losing (20lbs a lot for me). Some of what I'm doing may help others.. I have coffee and chai & green tea (with cream in both) from morning until around 1-3pm and I have 2 hard boiled eggs (back to being good for you) doesn't matter if you love them or not you will, they're filling, no carbs, no sugar, use sea salt. Years ago when people were healthier eggs in every form were a staple! Key I think is having everything pre-made, so important, boil 10 eggs and have them each day, my mother has 3 and lost 30 lbs! Then I have a lean Cusine or cook with no oil (butter ok), I have a meat and veggie, NO CARBS. I have Hashimoto's (a bad thyroid) when I eat carbs I go out like a light to sleep (scary). Then the biggest deal is I allow myself 1 (cause I can eat 2) Halo ice cream (helps with hot flashes) that's the only way I can keep doing it. OK so one other thing you might want to think about is a partner, my mother (in another state) and I take a picture standing on the scale every Saturday morning and text it with a log of the week and what happened (up 1 or down 2, etc) it really helps!! We also started Probiotics/Enzymes and Ashwagandha, there's also an herb Caralluma that helped in the beginning of fasting. So I'm back to menopause symptoms but it's a trade-off, oh also I have 2 gummies of Melatonin to help sleep. That's worse part of menopause I think. Menopause absolutely will keep you from leaving the house, socializing, nesting, and gaining weight. A good friend (a highly respected physical therapist) told me she didn't clean her house for 2 years, she had to pay someone to do it and she lived alone, she was in her pj's 5 mins after getting home. I knew then this was serious!! Alright, let's check on each other and encourage & share often! ps…I swear I started menopause symptoms 5 mins after I turned 50yrs old and I'm 52 now.

  4. Oooooo am I ? Versace Bright Crystal in the back there? It's one of my favorites! Thank you for posting this. I've been struggling to lose weight after I had my son. I have to lose at least 50 to be in a healthy range :/ my problem is that I make excuses too! My health has been declining so quickly, I need to start taking care of myself.

  5. You will do awesome ?
    I started on 31 of December
    . I’m 47 and have the same issues u have. My goal is loose 70 pounds eating low carb high fat. I have been successful these past few days. The carb monsters are beginning to vanish. Best wishes to u

  6. Hi Melissa, Great video. I did look up Dr. Berg on you tube. So I'm starting the Keto diet tomorrow. Today I had to go and get all the food for it. If u keep me posted I will keep you posted on how well we are  doing on it.

  7. Hi Melissa I've been thinking about keto for some time, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience, I've loved spending time with you this year, appreciate all the effort you go to it's been a challenging year for me so I hope and wish 2018 is kind to all of us, much love xoxo??

  8. I lost about 40 lbs. last year following a keto/paleo style eating plan. I’ve been off the last 10 Days so I gained a few back? but plan on losing another 30 or 40 next year. Fingers crossed ?!!

  9. Hi Melissa, I started researching the keto diet about three weeks ago and decided to start the diet a week before Christmas. I do have some health issues and I just turned 54 earlier this month and about 50 pounds overweight… and I’ve been told that I am now pre-diabetic; which is the main reason that I decided to try this way of eating because it really made sense to me scientifically…I’m a new Sub and I’m going to enjoy following your journey and maybe share a little of my progress. Congratulations! on your weight loss so far – I am sure that you will inspire many…Thanks for sharing?

  10. You are right; now is the time to get going again. I lost some weight also, but not enough. And now that I have a new knee, I hope to get back to moving more. I will check out the Keto diet. TFS and wow 35 pounds is good!

  11. Hi Melissa, excellent video! Keto is the only way to go! You have done great! I have lost 40 lbs and am doing a series on how I do Keto. Let’s stay in touch and support each other! I saw Monika posted and she was one lady I saw that inspired me! Happy your getting back on track! ?

  12. Melissa… dear, I also suffer from AGORAPHOBIA (all caps because I've only realized there was a name for it at my last appt with my psychiatrist). I have chronic pain, chronic severe IBS and Colitis, Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety….etc. A lot of my depression is caused by my chronic pain and illness and having orthopedic specialist after specialist tell me my foot and ankle are so messed up they can never be fixed, I'll just have to live with the pain (after 3 surgeries I still have 2 metatarsals not in the joint, a fracture, and two broken screws causing additional pain). 3 GI Specialists have given up on me as well… SO I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE GOING THROUGH!!! My depression lifted a little when I lost 70 pounds, and I bet yours does too! LET ME HELP YOU!!! And, in turn, that will help ME! Love you, doll. BIG HUGS!!! ??????

  13. Oh yes, ugly Menopause! I’m 49 and I’ve been dealing with it for years. It’s hard to lose belly fat and any weight at all. I wish you well on the Keto diet. I ended up doing the fasting diet. I took off 20 lbs, but I still have pain. I might try the Keto. Thanks

  14. Good for you! I will definitely be cheering you on! I do keto, too. It is waaaaay too dang easy to go off track! I had 90 pounds to lose, lost 60, went off track and gained back 20. Ugh! I've reaffirmed my desire for health and have lost 9 again. As of this morning, I have 41 pounds to go to reach my current goal weight. I have fibro too and know that losing weight and eating less sugar really does help with those symptoms. I also have T2 diabetes, so I really need to work on this! It helps that my husband is the cook of the family and he gives me a hard time if I try to cheat. My dad gave me a Total Gym a while back and it's been sitting in my barn. My goal is to get that thing brought in the house, set it up and start using it this weekend!

  15. One pound at a time ?… 35 lbs is a big deal!! I know the stress of moving was a killer for me, when we moved across state, eating junk food, fast food, I don't think we eat healthy for a month… you're doing a great job!! ??… *put up pictures on my IG ChristineRonewicz of the giveaway prizes, again Thanks so much*…

  16. I am doing this diet also. I got some tester strips at Wal-mart where you can test your urine to see when you are in actual ketosis. It helps to let me know I am on the right track, so if anyone thinks that would help them, there ya go, they are cheap and at WalMart, CVS, Walgreens, etc.

  17. You are so right about the Keto diet. I had rheumatoid arthritis and went on the Paleo Autoimmune, which is similar to Keto, and became totally pain free. I also lost the intense food cravings I had had for years. Congrats on your weight loss! That’s awesome!!???????

  18. You did great with 35 lbs. It's always hard starting again. As you know, I started in April '17 and lost 69 lbs by October. Then slowed down due to change of my medicine. Didn't lose any for 2 months, and then gained 8 back. Joined a gym last week and just had my first appt with my trainer. Looking forward to getting my motivation back and dropping the pounds. I do Paleo and it also helps with fatigue and body aches. I have hypothyroid. I plan on losing another 39 lbs by April '18. After that, another 50 lbs hopefully. It made me feel so much better to change my bad habits. My god daughter just lost 85 lbs doing Keto. Hugs to you.

  19. I have always struggled with my weight. 4 years ago I lost 20lbs in 20 weeks after getting MIC+ B12 injections. It was wonderful..I felt amazing and I started riding my bicycle everyday, everywhere. In fact, my husband, son and I made it a family thing we did daily. I got in decent shape, started gaining muscle. Then we had a series of shootings around the area and we stopped riding the bikes (everyone did around here). Then I ran out of my shots, and we did not have the money to continue them. But I just started taking B12 tablets.They worked fine. I started watching babies, so my workouts were put on the back burner. Then I started perimenopause. I saw a few lbs come back, not much, like 5 maybe. about 2 years ago I had one period, last year, one period..so I know menopause is coming. In May, I was constantly feeling nauseated and my hot flashes were completely out of control. By the endof the month, I had gained back 15 lbs. I have been struggling since to lose the original 20 again. My joints are aching, I am constatnly tired, super emotional. I know it hormone related, and weight gain related. My stomach has always been picky when it comes to meat. But the last 6 years anytime I eat any kind of meat, the next day I m on the toilet and super sick to my stomach. This includes chicken. The only thing I can eat without getting horrible cramping is Fish. Whch I love. So for 2018 I am going back to taking my B12 vitamins, upping my Fish, and my veggies. I am also eliminating sugar (which is soooo hard bc I love my sweets!!lol). I will check out the Keto diet, too! Anyhow..you are beautiful on the inside out, Dear Sis, and I do pray for you. I know how open you have been with your struggles and I want you to know that I am here for you. If you ever need anything, please let me know!! xoxoxox I have a 100% faith in you and I know you are a strong Woman. Take care, Sweetheart <3

  20. I know what u mean about excuses for weight loss I'm 36 in 2016 had hysterectomy bc of Ovarian cancer, I have Myasthenia Gravis Disease (it makes ur voluntary muscles extremely weak)( fatigue) I have anxiety/depression n I hate being in public!!!! I have no money due to all these medical bills plus I have 4 lil kids 1 who has monthly medical bills!! I'm a single parent!! 2017 I hit rock bottom with my depression I seen it was affecting my kids so I had get my self out of this rut!!! I wanted take better care of myself I got into skincare jus have samples, wash n moisturizer n I got into makeup mostly samples n I walk 5 miles a day!!! Doing these 3 things has made me feel so much better about myself!! I know thru God all things are possible n I hold onto that but with working out n dieting I make every excuse I can find so in 2018 I'm thru with the excuses I promise myself I will get healthier so I know how ur health can play a BIG role in getting healthy!!!! I love how ur so open with ur story it takes a lot of strength n courage to be able to do that thank you so much for sharing this with us!!!!

  21. If you give up gluten you will so much better off! I’m doing that in January 2018. Cutting out sugars also. My gi system is much better off with the 16 hour fast. Congrats on the weight loss. Keep up the good work. ? to loosing 70 lbs. we can do it!

  22. Melissa, I follow the intermittent fasting and just healthy eating and now I never count calories and don’t gain weight. Also Dr.Berg here on YouTube has tons of information on keto/intermitten fasting.. I wish you tons of success

  23. I have never commented on a youtube video before but Melissa you are talking about me! I have chronic pain and need to lose about 100lbs in an attempt to just live a normal life and be able to walk for more than 5 minutes without being in agonising pain. 2018 WILL be our year!!xxx

  24. I've been keto for about a month.I feel great. I'd love if you did some vid about your plans and what you learn. We have similar situations. A group would be so helpful. Very excited.

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