1. I love listening to other people's opinions. I find I learn a lot from others. I agree that we shouldn't worry about what other people think, but we should be open to listening at the same time. It shouldn't stop us from doing what's best for us, but we shouldn't close our ears to something that's beneficial either. It's just about balance I think. I really really like your last tip. I think I will try to apply that one more this year. Sometimes I wear myself out trying to help people when I see the need. Then I end up behind in my own life. But at times, maybe just a hand written note can show a person I still really care and think about them, but I am just unable to extend so much time. I hope that suffices anyway! Sometimes I feel like there is too much on my plate, and yet I still keep adding more! This year I will have to think of other ways to show people I care besides volunteering all my spare time.

  2. I so so love and agree with all you said, but when you said “be kind”I got tears in my eyes. This is incredibly needed today- online and in person. I am definitely adding this to my habits to work on and change this year. Thank you for all you share! ❤️

  3. This is an amazing, uplifting video. I have been absent from social media. First, I am the director of music in my church, which during Advent, and Christmas is tremendously busy,….joyful but busy. Additionally, I was recently in car accident….I am on the mend. Physical possessions can be replaced….but physical health is so precious and tenuous at times. I have started increasing my personal prayer, and worship, filling my mind with the positive words of God. Happy New Year.

  4. Talking about kindness I would recommend the book "The hidden power of kindness" Its eye opener book. Reminds us how we hurt others around us in little ways and how we can counter that.

  5. I wanted to thank you for your videos. I have been a subscriber to your channel for some time now. I am 42 and a mother of a teenage boy. I find you so inspiring for your cleaning videos, makeup and fashion videos, your motivational videos, finance videos. I find a lot of similarities between your personality and mine. I’m happy to find a friend in you through your channel. Look forward to many more motivating videos from you, wishing you a happy and prosperous new year!

  6. Thank you so much for this wonderful video!! Perfect for the new year! Happy New Year!! Wishing you and your family much love, health, and joy in the coming year. With much gratitude for all that you share. ??????????

  7. I am very visually oriented…I love watching how you do your cleaning, etc.  Would you please show me on paper how your daily routines fit together.  When I start planning, I am quickly overwhelmed…which isn't your fault….lol

  8. Thanks Jen for putting life's issues big and small into perspective for so many of us. It is so refreshing to watch your videos! You are a beautiful person inside and out! Blessings to you and your family in the coming year.

  9. I had to stop in the middle and listen to rest later – loved all of these points – especially the food…I find myself doing that and my daughter is really bad about beating herself up and feeling like she needs to go to the gym when she has a splurge instead of enjoying it….loved all of it!! 🙂

  10. Love your shirt and makeup /specifically love the lavender-dark lipstick combo with the sweater – so pretty Jen!! "Comparison is a thief of joy!" – amen – struggle with this at times!!

  11. Jen, well said. All these things you’ve shared are so doable! In fact I personally think these ten things are foundational to all the other things people would like to achieve. If we can do these simple things, everything else will fall into place. It’s all about creating new and permanent habits that when achieved will benefit everything else. “Baby steps”. “Little by little”, “Day by Day”. Area I need work in is stop worrying about what others think. ?. Thanks for sharing.

  12. My 2018 goal is to get over on what others think of me. I will be 50 in 2018 and that is a goal!! I will be good to me for a change. I am always grateful. I always tell people too but o notice when I do things I don’t hear thank or a compliment and that just brings me down. I feel people like to take advantage of my kindness. Anyway goals 2018 be available to me! Happy New Year and thank you for your wonderful channel. I love a lot of your recipes and cleaning videos. Much love ?

  13. AMEN to the negative self-talk one especially (although these are all great)! I wish we would all be kinder to ourselves.
    And it's not a hand-written note but I do want to tell you how much I appreciate your videos, your great advice, your testimony, but most of all your sweet encouragement. I don't usually leave comments but I wanted you to know that I always enjoy your videos and find them helpful and inspiring.

  14. There are only a handful of women on YouTube who I can relate to…you’re definitely one of them! May God continue to give you wisdom as you share your heart with others! Blessings for your new year!

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