1. I'm a month late but I've restarted slimming world AGAIN but this time I want to do it I will do it in done having kids (Have 4) and want myself back I have 3 1/2 stone to lose will admit I'm little clueless so your channel has helped so much

  2. You are officially my new slimming world consultant… i feel like we are having a one to one session …. and you make everything so so easy to understand!!! Thank you nikki you are really motivating me to continue xx please keep doing slimming world videos i am learning so much xx

  3. Great video, I'm jumping back on the Slimming World train after a negative experience a few years ago. This has really helped and I feel like I'll be able to ask you some questions to help if I ever get stuck 🙂

  4. I've followed you on social media for a while but never watched your videos until this one. Just want to say wow. You've converted me to YouTube. I'll be watching all your videos now so inspiring ❤

  5. This is brilliant! I lost 4 stone in 2017 after having my baby. I did that from May to December. It’s gone a bit wayward the last couple of weeks but I’m now ready to hit the gym and get back on plan 100%! Thanks so much Nikki! Xxx

  6. It’s easy to say an hour but we sit there for two hours so it’s not just an hour. We queue for an hour and then chat for an hour and sometimes there’s not enough time to speak about everything. So it’s 2 hours and when your working full time and studying also full time 2 hours is a long time to sit in a freezing cold room. If it were only an hour for the process I’d definitely sit and stay but then I have to drive home and there’s never any parking so it’s a 5 minute walk down a dark ally like street. It’s not the safest way of doing it.

  7. Nikki I really needed to see this. Been feeling really crappy about my weight over Christmas and you have motivated me to take out my SW pack and read it again. I really want to get to target. Thank you and Happy New Year xx

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