1. Bahahaha I kept looking out my window because I thought my neighbors dog was running around but it was just your dog's chain. Even my dog was looking out the window LOL

    I am not new to your channel but I am now a new subscriber! I looked to a couple of your videos to learn how to do certain workouts last year. This year I decided I'm going to just train myself because a fitness trainer does not fit into my budget what-so-ever so your videos are helping me again! Thank you. My main goal for January is to get a strong back so I'm not aching from work and hiking all the time and hopefully be able to do 2 chin-ups… I got a lot of work to do

  2. I just want to let you know that I really enjoy your communication style and how you describe things that makes sense to people that don't work out , as well as what the results are so thank you for that

  3. Back! Yes! I mean, who doesn't want a strong back to counterbalance the abs (and the girls)? More of this, please 🙂 I feel like half the time I look for workouts for whole body, 'core' ends up meaning abs – and back is nowhere to be found! And yes, I know this vid is a year old, lol.

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