1. Thank you guys for 100,000+ views!!! I love you all so much <3 p.s. to everyone commenting about me touching my hair: after receiving many comments about it I am aware! 🙂 just a nervous habit for me which has become less prominent since this video was uploaded

  2. You do not seem comfortable doing the video, you should train more your posture in the videos because you seem very embarrassed and uncomfortable and this is not good for you and for those who watch your videos, it's just a tip I'm not criticizing kisses ?

  3. I regrew my hair and you can too. -I've been bleaching my hair on and off since forever. My hair wouldn't grow any longer it would just snap off. I've dreamed about having thick, long hair. And when I say dreamed, I mean it quite literally. So I decided to do something about it. My friend suggested Biotin when we were talking about my hair loss. I’ve tried like 4 different brands until I found that the best one for me. For me the best is http://www.certifiedbiotin.com my friends also use this one. Now I’m 26 and I've been taking Biotin every day for years. My hair and nails grow SO much quicker. Hair has increased in the rate and are so long now. Also my energy levels are high. I remember that at the beginning I did heavy cardio and interval training which helped me lose weight fast but I did not realize how biotin played a part in my weight loss until AFTER I stopped working out. I continue to take biotin every day and now that I am no longer on my diet I eat whatever I want and I don't gain weight. It appears the biotin may be keeping my metabolism to the level it was at during my training. So I highly recommend it to you.

  4. I need a video that works pls dont tell anyone but i had this hair it was like 12 inches longer than my normal hair so then i tried shaving it (i have bangs) i ended up shaving half of my bangs off butt its tiny i have not told anyone i feel dumb and i regret it please do an easy tutorial so i can grow it back with no one knowing pls..!!!

  5. the inversion method really works for me, i do this like everyday a week, every month. I use coconut oil and egg for my hair mask like ones a week. it really grew like 2 inch a week. (Do it one week everymonth bec your hair will not grow the same if your hair got used to the treatment)

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