1. I'm a skinny guy n my stomach is out fully.. I want to do abs workout!! Can I do? I heard like if I do abs workout my chest won't grow broad!? Is that ryt? Plz help me out sir!! N I watch your all videos.. u r really doing good job!!

  2. Dear Jeff,

    What about the VETERANS ASSOCIATION HOSPITAL pushing gross meds on you for years…was a hard gainer Marine Sergeant…Now Medically retired and lots of body fat with memory issues. I am a member of Team Athlean…currently just finished week 1. Please help? Thank you.

    Jeffery Skrocki
    Medically Retired United States Marine

  3. Hi Jeff,
    I have a question for you. How would you approach training and trying to gain muscle when you have had weight loss surgery? I can't eat like most so I find it somewhat difficult to gain any mass. Could you talk about this subject.

  4. PLEASE MAKE A HARD GAINER PROGRAM!! I Would buy it SO FAST! You have MaxSize.. Is that for hard gainers? These videos seem to have VERY specific tips for those coming from "hard gainer" situations, but your programs don't seem to be as specific! These tips are invaluable.. but I'm not sure how to fit them into my existing program. I WANT A HARDGAINER PROGRAM!? PLEASE TAKE MY MONEY!

    Love all the work you do here. Thank you.

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