1. Regarding SPINACH… wrong info> S have high content of nitates that easily convert in NITRITES. CANCER is knoking your DOOR !!
    I our Food ^ Science University we allways knew S was a cautious meal…

  2. It's not the mere ingredients but the care and quality of the ingredients, geneticly engineered animals and plants are not healthy, plus America uses so much cemicals to "clean" and prossess our foods which is also unhealthy, antibiotics and pesticides are also unhealthy to eat and our foods are marinating in it. America treats there food the worst in all the world. Which is why where dealing with over weight problems and other problems like cancer because our bodies can't handle these poisons wild animals don't get things like cancer nor do they become over weight but zoo animals being fed food that's been "processed" do.

  3. Food should not be bad for you…… processed food has too much fat, salt, sugar and additives in them making them unhealthy. People need to go to their favorite food processors website, click on the CONTACT link and send them an email asking them to reduce the amount of fat, salt, SUGAR and ADDITIVES in the foods they produce. Their common answer is that they are producing what the customers want. You have to let them know that consumers want healthier food choices with less salt, fat, SUGAR and ADDITIVES in them. It only takes a minute to send them an email, tweet, call or text. Food should not be bad for you. There is an obesity epidemic leading to increases in heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer. Do something — make a difference

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