1. About the part with the antibiotics and hormones: antibiotics kill only bacteries! Not every infection is going to go away with the help of antibiotics, like viruses aren't vulnerable to antibiotics. I wouldn't say there are antibiotics for acne – there are medications though! Actually taking antibiotics too often and without a good reason is weakening your body and makes dangerous bacteries stronger.
    And hormones: after taking a birth-control pills level of hormones in your body is even. For some people it heals acne, but it can actually make acne worse! Acne is one of the side effects that are written in almost every birth-control pill leaflet. Before taking the pills, always contact a doctor!

  2. I have horrible acne and have tried a ton of different face washes over the years that don’t really help enough but every time I mention birth control my parents think I’m planning on having sex since they believe it’s only to prevent pregnancy ?

  3. I got my first piercing at 3months and didn’t clean it but I’m ok… I guess it’s only certain people

    I got my 2nd at 9 1/2 and cleaned it some times but it became to much work #LAZY

    I’m almost 12 soon to get my 3rd piercing.

    I say that some people need to clean it but some dont

  4. Exfoliating EVERY day is not good for your skin, I would recommend 2-3 times a week or even less if you don't need it that much. Btw I mix my own at home – some body lotion, sugar and coffee grounds.

  5. Your videos are a great! So smart! One thing, do NOT stay on antibiotics for years for acne. I lost my hearing in one ear permanently at 19 from a blood clot Tetracycline caused. It also weakened by bone density and discolored my teeth. Your other tips are fantastic! Everyone should use them!

  6. Steam DIY:

    Put hot water to a bowl (make sure your face will fit), then put your face above the hot water (the steam of the hot water will go directly to your face). 15-20mins will do. Hope that'll helps ❤️

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