1. Guys, fed up with trying lot of weight loss tricks.I have the solution suitable for you, type in Google as: "Hack2LossWeight" to get all the hacks about weight loss.

  2. I think they're just trying to make people lose weight slower. Not because it's healthy but because it keeps them on the diet longer, attending meetings and paying dues longer. I'm following the diet with the point system from over 10 years ago. I'm losing an average of 4 pounds a week, and not attending meetings.

  3. When I downloaded my 2018 WW Freestyle app, the only food points it shows are my favorites ( I am a previous member. How can I get the points value for all the foods?

  4. I am allergic to eggs, dairy, and soy. Can I do almond milk? What can I eat for breakfast since I can not do eggs? I have never eaten eggs. I want to come back to WW but this new allergy stuff (year ago I found out) messes with my brain. Can I still eat oatmeal?

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