1. Teared up when you started talking about motivation. It’s so true! I was in denial for so long and always was searching for motivation. Then I realized motivation has to come within and now I’m starting this lifestyle change. I hope I can continue this successfully. Thank you for the video!

  2. Awesome? I purchased thinner leaner stronger a month ago. I haven't started yet. Im researching and looking at people who followed the book. So far all I see is awesome results. PLUS Im a ZUMBA INSTRUCTOR…ZUMBA IS LIFE TO ME???. Thank you for sharing?

  3. You made some very good points. I never considered the fact that Ive maintained my current weight for several years, without consciously trying. Now I can use that to lose weight. Thank you.????

  4. Hey beautiful
    So I’ve gone through this before where I wanted to try to live the Healthy life style but always fail. I am really trying this time but don’t know where to start! I am waaay to timid to go to the gym and lift weights cause my gym is filled with juice heads lol I’ve been working out at home and doing cardio and then some dumbbell workouts. My biggest downfall is the fact I don’t really like veggies and I don’t cook.. what do you recommend I do? I don’t know how to start this journey ?

  5. Hey Stephanie, thanks for the video, I really enjoyed every word. Very motivating! Just curious (for calorie purposes) how tall are you? Thanks again. Take care and happy new year!

  6. Hello I accomplishment is amazing I just started making a youtube channel about my weight-loss Journey and it's not easy but I'm just pushing through and I think your channel is very inspiring and motivating congratulations this is Amazing .

  7. You absolutely are right 100% about the way society has formed a certain model of the way women should look! I most def do believe though, that if you take care of yourself and your confident that that's absolutely a HUGE attraction! A real, normal man would not care as long as you had confidence and of course you had a great personality! I say normal bc men that would have a problem with your weight, those are the ones that usually suffer from mental issues themselves truly! I can say that I can def be tough on myself about my weight also, but Im 36 and I'm def a lot happier with myself no matter what now that I'm older! Not that idc…..it's just that personality is 100% the key to attraction and you realize that the older you get!

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