1. Weight loss is very mental!!! And food is a big part of it. You may stumble on your journey, but keep going girl. We got this!! Try meal prepping. It definitely helps with the emotional eating. My weight seems to constantly go up and down, so this year I’m determined to get a grip on it. Good luck on your journey girl!

  2. I love your honesty and transparency! Listen… never be ashamed of RESTARTS… never stay in the pit… always get back up! Don't beat yourself up for falling. Keep your self talk/thoughts positive and don't let the negative ones take root in any way… just tell them to go in the name of Jesus and replace them with the truth. I look forward to following your journey – and I hope that you will subscribe to me so I can be an "active" part of your journey.

  3. I'm also on a weight loss journey. So far, so good. 🙂 Don't do diets, pills, shakes, etcetera would be my advice. Try to make as much of your meals consist of wholefoods as you can. Don't drink your calories. Take baby steps when replacing bad habits with good habits. Don't make the caloric deficit greater than 500 calories per day. It's not a race, it's life! Enjoy seeing the little changes in your body and abilities. Think about it.. We use our body all day every day and in stead of being thankful that it works well most of the time, we punish it with poisonous junk. It's time to reward our bodies, to appreciate them. ?? Good luck! I believe in both of us.

  4. I've recently started my own weight loss journey. I've been using Instagram to help motivate me. I'm looking for some friends who would like to join me ? the new year is almost here so let's get a jump start on the new US!!!!!

    Follow me @babydollsjourney

  5. Girl I just started my weight loss journey like a day ago and it's really hard, you really just have to find a strong motivation, and you should only weigh yourself every week not everyday, and can you make a video on the things you ate in January, and keep pushing girl, we are behind you❤️

  6. Lol. I totally get it. I keep trying to lose weight over an over. I was finally doing it and then I just gained all of the lose back this last weekend. Super annoyed at myself! Emotional Eater is what I like to call it. I eat when I'm stressed out, sad, angry, happy..you name it. I think we have to focus on the emotions we are going through and face them. I find that helps me not over eat..most times. 15 pounds is amazing!! I have burned out many times on eating the same food all the time. It sounds like you may have needed to up your calories. When you workout, your body needs more to work off from. I also lost sight of my goal by focusing on the scale. I now only weigh in once a week. The stress has gone down. Before I went and ate a bunch of fast food this weekend I was just eating in moderation. Sticking to serving sizes and was losing 1 pound a week. Which isn't much but the stress to stick to clean eating was gone. I'm going back to it this week for sure.

  7. Girl, don't be so hard on yourself. Even though you haven't lost weight, sounds like you learned a little about yourself. And that my friend is priceless. you know what your habits are and now u need to work on strategies to change them. This is a journey so many of us our in together. Take what you learned this year and apply it moving forward. Most of all DO NOT GIVE UP. One more thing…your calories sound too low. Best of luck and keep posting

  8. It's hard restarting a weight loss journey, you got my support. I do intermittent fasting. Eat low calorie, low carbs and high protein. No gym or excessive workouts, just light exercise, nearly down 30lbs, check it out. New sub here can't wait to see your progress ?

  9. Hey Laydee, just subbed to your channel and I’m looking forward to your weight loss journey. I’m starting and documenting my own journey here on YouTube and would love if you checked me out!

  10. Here’s my routine I ate high nutrition food. I ate grill cheese no butter and nutritious bread called Dave’s rocking bread (some ppl eat Ezekiel bread), chocolate spinach banana protein powder smoothie, 2 regular cookies, rotisserie chicken, blueberry spinach banana smoothie, and grilled cheese all total calories was around 1,300 during the the weekday. During the weekend as long as the caleries where around 1,800 I ate anything I desired. I lost 20 lbs It took me a year. But it’s sustainable and I didn’t exercise much I loved it! It wasn’t as restricting and easy for a busy person!

    Ps I skipped breakfast and had bigger meals to feel fuller. I when I craved to eat just to keep my mouth busy I ate carrots, gum, or water.

  11. don't wait til the New Year. Start now making healthier choices. don't expect to lose more than 1-2lbs a week. don't forget how your monthly cycle plays a part with the scale. best of luck you are not alone!!!!

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