1. 2018 is going to be an amazing year! My New Years resolution is to live a healthier lifestyle! I will start by:
    Drinking more water and less soda
    Exercise/get active 2-3 times a week
    Avoid processed foods

  2. I reallt want to lose weight and get healthy. I'm 5'2 and I sadly weight 190 lbs and I just feel horrible all the time and I always feel so ugly. My biggest struggle is that I struggle with motivation and my parents are always buying sweets and ice cream and it's really hard for me not to eat it and then before I know it…I've aten everything…

  3. Thanks for the great video! My health goal is to do things that make me feel strong and balanced! So I am going to eat cleaner and workout at least 3 times a week by listening to my body!

  4. I love a day in the life videos, and luckily I stumbled upon yours while searching of Youtube. I love, love, love your videos! It's really inspiring and relaxing to watch, after a long day. xoxo

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