1. Hi Sam, what you do is wonderful!~ I wanna thank you for inspiring me in so many ways! I admire your charm and your personality. You vibrate positive energy all around. I been following you for three years now and you always have the best advice.

  2. You are such a positive influence in my life!! This year so far I’ve bought a blender and I have smoothies -I love your recipes and I’ve been writing them down. I’m studying the LOA -it’s fascinating and I’m not caring what others think or say. I can’t change that so I don’t let it bother me. Thanks Sam for all that you do xx blessed be

  3. could you do a video on how to gain weight in a healthy way instead of loosing it? im pretty skinny and its hard to gain weight or find someone who gives tips or pointers to do it. i really would like to do it in a healthy way and you would be the perfect person to speak on the subject(:

  4. I love your videos! You're always so upbeat and happy. I'm currently training for my second half marathon and I'm slacking on the cross training I need to be doing. Your videos are giving me the motivation I need to step up my game. Thank you!

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