1. I am just like you with this. I eat this way because it keeps me healthy and energized and just generally feeling good. I don’t count calories and I just eat when I am hungry and not eat when I’m not hungry.

  2. Good talk, as always! Even though I've watched your videos for a while now, somehow I don't mind hearing your point of view all over again once in a while. And I'm not even interested in loosing weight ? Just appreciate your realness and knowledgable experience ☺?

  3. Exactly I dont know where these people get their notion of eating less wont affect your weight loss. If you eat more you will gain weight or maintain if you eat less you will lose weight plain and simple. Its just basic common sense like if you run slow you wont be as tired if you run fast….Look at all those people who followed harley and freelee and stuffed their faces….they gained a ton of weight and felt like shit! Find what works for you not what others tell you

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