1. This is really well put together and it's good that it highlights all the bull shit behind it. So much hard work but so much death and cruelty from all those dead animal meats, awful.

    I love what Chris Pratt says at the end though.

  2. There is a very important thing to understand about this. These intense workouts and diets are not sustainable. They are good if you need to get in shape for a movie, or maybe a wedding, but you will not be able to keep going like that for your entire life, which is what is required in order to stay in shape. Working out and exercising is a lifestyle, not a temporary chore. So if you follow their advice thinking you can keep going forever, you are setting yourself up for failure and after a short time will get burned out and stop exercising altogether. The key is to have a sustainable pace/intensity, so you can do this regularly and never stop.

  3. I don’t understand why most of them hate the gym so much? I fucking LOVE training & the pump I carry, but even more so how I look when choosing the right clothing to compliment the hard earned gains. You gotta love it otherwise don’t bother. Seriously.

  4. yeah, eating becomes it's own part-time job. I'm ectomorphic so I can burn 3K literally just sitting on my ass so it's just as much of a struggle for me to GAIN weight as it is for some to LOOSE it…well, maybe not as big a struggle, but yeah it aint all donuts and ice cream bars and living free. Eating right takes just as much discipline, if not more than the actual lugging around of weights.

  5. 10. Drink 'Flat Tummy' Lemon Water.
    9. Choose Cranberry juice over soda.
    8. Add Chia Seeds to your diet.
    7. Spice up your diet with ginger tea.
    6. Sip green tea to loose belly fat.
    5. Dandelion Tea.
    4. Don't underestimate the power of cayenne peppers.
    3. Add Coconut Oil to your diet.
    2. Use Cinnamon.
    1. Garlic Cloves.
    These are ways that this book at http://bit.ly/2rxa6PZ has taught my parents and they love it. I just wanted to share this with you guys

  6. All you lazy, unmotivated assholes yelling "STEROIDS!!!" need a reality check. Obtaining a body like these actors is possible, but it takes an insane amount of dietary discipline and a balanced exercise regime, it doesn't need to be excessive, it could be easy cardio and slowly upping your weight lifting. Mark Whalberg is a perfect example of breaking the stereotypes. Protein, Carbs, Healthy Fats, and Starches. I personally noticed that consuming these food groups helps gain that weight to be able to increase that muscle mass. It's just all about your determination and attitude towards actually reaching a goal of having a healthy physical form.

  7. Notice how Mark Whalberg, the Rock, Ryan Reynolds and Sylester Stalone were the only ones who didn't complain about the nutrition and are also the only ones who are always lean, they know how to actually eat, the key to staying in shape is to eat healthy but also to eat things that you enjoy

  8. First and foremost, I would like to make it perfectly clear that I am not a weight loss guru, and I am not a doctor. I am a guy who sits on his bottom 10 to 14 hours everyday making a living on the internet…which means that most of my time is spent in front of a computer screen all day.

    I found this method at loseweightfastdietsecrets.com quite by accident, but it has changed my life in a spectacular way!

    You may have conditions that cannot support what I am telling you here, so please make sure before you start this, or any other weight loss or diet program, that it is safe for you.

    There is nothing in here to my knowledge that would harm anyone but by all means, let’s be safe.

    What I have achieved may not be typical. Our bodies are all different so my results may not be your results.

    My family doctor was concerned about my drastic weight loss, but when I told her what I was doing, she supported it 100%.

    My blood pressure and pulse rate were both very high, and I had no energy to speak of before I started this “diet.” I put that word in quotes, because it is NOT like a diet at all.

    In fact, my lifestyle hasn’t changed much at all.

    I still sit on my fanny all of those hours and yet I am losing pounds…and not in small quantities.

    As a matter of fact, I have lost over 40 pounds in less than 3 months, and I feel GREAT! That is why I am sharing this with you.

    Visit loseweightfastdietsecrets.com

  9. who gives a fuck about their chickenbreast diet…tell us about the cycle like Stallone did (after he got busted though)…
    its okay your actors and not fitnessyoutube frauds…nobody will jump off your subscribtion.

  10. plan based is the way to go honestly they don't eat that clean that's why they are all not that lean they look good for a certain time and then revert back why? too many empty calories no longevity no micronutrients just calories. extreme ups and downs. this is not how athletes train or eat. only transformation artists but nobody can keep their shit that tight except for the plant based eaters

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