Condition of Nauru asylum seeker with mental health problems ‘rapidly deteriorating’ | World news

There are fears for the life of a young man on Nauru, experiencing auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions, amid concerns of inadequate treatment, staff shortages, the closure of inpatient facilities and the cancellation of medical outreach services.

According to sources on the island and medical reports seen by Guardian Australia, the asylum seeker has a long history of mental illness and suicide attempts, and his condition is “rapidly deteriorating”. He recently threatened to self-immolate, allegedly prompting International Health and Medical Services (IHMS) to stop visiting him out of safety concerns.

Doctors for Refugees said that it had repeatedly written since June to the Department of Home Affairs about the man’s case, and advised them on 10 December that he should be brought to Australia for treatment “given the concerning duration of his reported command hallucinations and history of self-harm”.

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