1. You nailed it, lady! And your kid is so sweet! He's helping her mom.
    Stretching is always a good idea, I agree with you. I love the merengue workouts of Stepflix, here in YT. For some reason, that merengue rhythm motivates me when I am lazy.

  2. Lol that so funny I love watching her workout video too. The other workout videos I like is fitness blender, which is on YouTube (free ?)Especially if you want to add weight training in your weight loss journey. But they have so much different types of video and the duration of each video varies. So u can find one for 10 minutes or one for a hr. I’m also on weight loss journey as well and right now I’m exercising and doing the whole 30 challenge.

  3. With so many people supporting you i can see you are going to fulfill this yourney. Believe me iam also on my wheigtloss yourney and i just came through your channel. Tour amazing…. you can do it girl.

  4. Hey love bug I’m proud of you and I just wanted to say you can also use this makeup remover call Albilene rub it on your stomach your arm , legs with some saran wrap and if you decide to use a waist trainer or a trash bag anything to make you sweat you should see some changes I know it works for a lot of people it has worked for me is just a suggestion way to go girl we taking back what’s ours good luck love . Looking forward to seeing your results

  5. I am on you with this journey. Only thing that sucks for me is I recovering from a broken bone surgery and still can’t do much exercise. I started Jan 31, so far lost 6 pounds I’m scared to check the scale. Next weigh in on Tuesday

  6. Hey Sis, you have to eat. Im no expert but i know when trying to lose weight you have to eat. If you are unsure of how many meals you should eat per day please consult a nutritionist. Werk it!

  7. You got this keep going one step at a time 15 minutes is good then every week try to pick up a few more minutes very proud of you I had weight loss surgery and I don't do is good when it comes to being committed to working out so you're doing just fine

  8. So happy to hear you love dance fitness… I would love for you to workout with me on my channel! I have playlists of different levels of intensity and some that are just muscle toning. Also you can create your own playlist with your favorites. You'll have to scroll past the Christmas routines I put up in Nov and Dec to get the songs that are for year round. I'm praying for you.

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