1. I agree with Mr. VRK till some extent but its unfair to comment without knowing complete diet plan.

    He is talking about Keto and Low Carb Diet (LCD) deit his comments absolutely makes sence. LCD diet can be followed as long as one wants but Keto diet is not good for longer periods, the only glitch is one needs to drink at least 5 to 6 litres of water to reduce the load on kidneys due to high protien intake. Any Diet will be helpful only till some extent, one needs a proper exercise regime. The quantity till 70 gms cocunt oil and ghee mentioned by Mr. VRK is a lot but cant comment on that without knowing the exact diet, if I am not wrong he is talking aobut Fat diet, it is ok if thats correct. I have been following LCD since last 4 months and lost 15Kgs with professional help from SQUATS certified mentors and my body far went from 37 % to 22 % and still getting better. I have followed it and happy with it.

    Tons of weight lifters and professional athlets follow such deits and I am not sure if Mr. VRK knows about it at all or he is hiding the fact to get complete credit. Mr. VRK is not completely informed about the terminology to support his arguments, he could have shown several available scientific publications.

    Panelists (Bariatric surgeon and naturopathy) were making fun of themselves without doing basic research, it was their ego and unwillingness to update their knowledge. Science changed a lot in the last few decades and those Doctors (talking only about panelists) were talking only about the knowledge thex gained from 70's and 80's. First two doctors on telephone brought some sence to the complete show and made some constructive criticism.

    DIET IS DIFFERENT FROM PERSON TO PERSON AND THEIR HEALTH CONDITION. Consult a doctor before, if you have any pre existing conditions before following any diet blindly.

  2. This guy copied Dr Jason Fung and Dr Eric Berg's Keto and IF diet. This guy would have been arrested in western world for claiming "Chitikalo taggisthanu Diabetes ani". Someone should shut him up before anyones dies because of this diet.

    This type of diet should be followed under the supervision of a qualified doctor. People should understand that no single type of diet is suitable for all the humankind.

    Obesity or Type-2 diabetes are dietery or life style related diseases and these can be reversed through a moderate and healthy diet that should be followed for life. The road to wellness involves making a committment to healthy lifestyle.

  3. Govt oppose chesindi we should respect even now our freedom fighters the great father of hipppcrates discovers science and einstein Ila scientist lu kanipettina science prajalara Meru marusthunnaru me antha goppavallu e prapamcham lo evaru undaru

  4. Prajalara janulara me eyes close aypoyayi meru veeramanchineni gari ki oka statue kattinchandi pooja cheyandi ayna diet thini slim avvandi evaru vadhu annaru govt will not recognise good people meru annatu ga nae u know about Sunitha villiams Jhansi Lakshmi Bhai Gandhi ji nehru ji Potti sriramuli saibaba and Ila chala Mandi

  5. In 1998 Dr Louis got Nobel as he found that human body produces nitric oxide automatically and it helps when anyone suffers from heart attack. If we take high NO produced foods then no need to worry about heart attack.

  6. All doctors are asking him about scientific proof, when he is challenging openly, Why can't you select few of your clients and try this diet on them under your supervision and prove that he is wrong. If your client fell sick you people are there to take care of them. if it works you people can certify his diet and recommend him for noble price.

  7. Waste doctors siggu saram undadu vellaki. Anni medicines ki side effects untai , meru iche medicine long term use cheyali pharma companies ni brathkinchali ade e roju me doctors ki business.

  8. Request from my side is that we can implement any new thing which good results for people, but do it scientifically otherwise we have to go to the same doctors after getting side effects. So let him prove it scientifically and claim Nobel prize. I am not against him. he is a good marketing person.

  9. TV people are giving half information only . Listen for the full diet of ramkrishna garu. This is a program, u can continue only till u get desired results. And u can stop it. The doctor are thinking this will effect their own income

  10. Last and not the least. This protein fad rising in india. First of all you have to understand protein is nothing but amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. Anything that you eat plants or animals contain amino acids and hence protein. If you eat rice and dal , that's enough protein for the day. If you are eating meats that means you are eating for extra protein. Do you know what happens when you have extra protein? It becomes fat . Yes too much chicken and mutton will make you fat because you are not utilising those protein. Thats why more non-veg people are overweight compared to veg people. You can blindly guess how much chicken mutton the guy is eating based on his waist size.
    Coming to so call protein supplements and whey protein. These are strictly and strictly for building muscles and for breaking the gym. You dont need that to sustain your life. The only time you need protein supplements is when you are starving means eating nothing which is rarely the case. There is another case when protein supplements are required , when you are old. That's why doctor used to recommend them to old people. Not when you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s or even 50s. So ditch the protein if you want a normal weight. If you want to be a bodybuilder , then even protein will not be enough. You need steroids and thats a completely different beast. Dont even try steroids without knowing its side effects. Peace.

  11. Oh about going to gym. Gym is for gaining muscles not losing weight. If you go to gym to lose weight, you will always need a gym to lose weight. Workout is needed . Take out a few aerobic exercises and do it at home.

  12. Idiots dont understand that low carb and high fat diet is a short term solution. What is the point of losing weight when you will go back to your old habits and gain them back again. First you have to understand low fat or low carb how much food you need to sustain your life. Do you need to ead that chicken biriyani, if you have to break the treadmill for 7 days(yes one day of biriyani requires 7 days of intense cardio to wear it off!)? Modern lifestyle does not need 3 times meal. Eat one time. Dont eat like a hog. Understand what are your activities for the day. Except emergencies people can fairly guess what they will do on a particular day. If you have some activities which are physically draining eat a little bit more. If you have nothing to do, eat a little bit less. Eat to live.

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