1. Thanks for the video! So, I'm also "broken" when it comes to eating! I'm glad it's not just me! I totally fell off the WW wagon after being unemployed and depressed. But, I just started back and was at meeting this evening. I'll look forward to your videos, thanks! WE GOT THIS! 🙂

  2. I like that it makes me think long and hard about sugar. If I start eating sweets, it becomes a habit so quickly and I really overdo it. And also to be mindful about carb portions. If I eat a normal portion of carbs, I am fine and satisfied but if I eat too much I feel hungry again within an hour.

  3. I joined 2 weeks ago on line .I'm having a hard time figuring the app. I'd like to post daily of what and how I feel .l see lots of other people post. I see no place to add water. I track food ,I can't write daily my feelings.

  4. Thank you so much for your input… I'm on WW for the same reason, I have no self-control and when I posted something about this to "connect" I got a lot of smart azz answers from people saying to have self-control and common sense…. I am ready to quit and I lost 35 lbs, I'm very discouraged and I have been trying the new plan…. again no weight loss cause I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL…. I'm really confused as to why WW is now creating a diet much like Atkins… Ok no red meats but very similar. Thank you again WWG1, I love watching your videos and you help me a lot!

  5. What I will never understand is why does WW find the need to change to program every year. If WW really worked they wouldn't need to keep changing the plan every year. It is just a way for them to make money. I joined WW over 10 years ago and have been following the same plan since day 1 of joining and never followed their new plans year after year and I have been a lifetime member only after a year of joining back 10 years ago. WW really should just stick to one plan but I guess if they did they wouldn't be able to make any money.

  6. Intuitive eating. Takes awhile to learn the satisfied not full feeling and only eating when you're actually hungry. Works though when you learn the feelings. And so many great zero point foods!!

  7. I love the new plan! In my personal opinion, it feels comparable to a lower carb lifestyle. We cash in our points in for sugar and carbs but have the freedom to eat more lean protein without a cost. I have found this way of eating to be very filling. I've even been trying to eat all of my points but too full to cram them in. I am a big foodie girl so me having points leftover is truly a miracle. 🙂

  8. Thanks so much for sharing the info on Freestyle…..it was really helpful as all of your youtube videos are……I couldn't do it without you….you are my go to person in between meetings every week. I know what you mean about being "broken" as far as knowing when I am full……I have for the past few years been doing self-hypnosis and I find that helps. Just helps me reprogram bad habits……some recommendations…….Dr. Steven Gurgevich (sp?) Dr. Roberta Temis (sp?) and the "I Can Make You Thin" guy….he's British. They all have been helpful. It does not work overnight (although I sometimes go to bed with the headphones on and listen to one of them when I know I am in trouble) but over time it has been helpful. Keep it up…..you are my hero!

  9. I'm pretty unhappy with the new plan so far. 30 points was hard enough, 23 feels impossible. I already ate fruit and veggies and only ate about 3-5 points a day in protein so I'm pretty much just losing 2-4 points a day from my allowance. I'm always starving. I'm trying to eat more lean protein…we'll see how it goes.

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