1. Great video Becky – I try to be vegan but I'm not very creative in the kitchen – I'd rather be in the garden : ) I bought a can of jackfruit on a whim and it's been sitting in the cupboard because I didn't know what to do with it. I just have to find the low FODMAP BBQ sauce now – I'm in Adelaide S Australia. Not as good as UK for finding things a bit out of the ordinary but there's always net… Thanks for the recipes. Angela X

  2. I feel like whenever I try meat replacements I never like them, since I never liked meat to begin with…I just tried the pulled jack fruit recently as well.

  3. I’ve followed you for a while now and am sooo grateful to have found you and your videos. Suffering from IBS has been hard for me and recently, I’ve been trying to be better at managing it and your videos are giving me some serious motivation! Don’t ever stop doing what you do…Regards from California!

  4. Those recipes look great. Thanks for sharing Becky. What I've been loving recently that i want to eat every day is Roasted Aubergine, mixed peppers, (Diced into small pieces) in garlic olive oil, along with Quinoa cooked in some Fody foods Vegetable stock cube, & other vegetables like peas, sweetcorn, broccoli. Then i add maybe a splash of soya sauce and Mango chutney & coriander. I love it and want to eat it every day. Cannot live without Quinoa now & its a great source of fibre too. 😉

  5. This is awesome! Vegan and lowFODMAP definitely throws up some challenges ? I didn't realise you can get jackfruit canned, need to track some down and give it a go! My channel is all about being vegan and lowFODMAP if you need some more inspiration, although you seem like you've got it down. How are you finding Veganuary? It's totally worth for the environment, animals and your health ✌️ xx

    (also fyi, depending how strict vegan you are being, Genius bread has egg in)

  6. It looks so.damn.good! Glad you reminded about double checking for cross contamination on labels. I've forgotten to a time or two, with regrets lol excellent ideas and really want to try jackfruit ?

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