1. This juicer is superior to ALL other juicers or just some? I wasn’t clear on that part. Is it superior to all the slo juicers? I does look like fun and the recipe worth trying. What was the noodle part made from? And did you use one of those spirilizers? Thx.

  2. Jahnes love Kristina. So wish that I could have a bowl of that delicious Raw Kale salad. Does the dressing taste different than the other ones that you made in Vitamix? And I love the wooden bowl? Where did you get it? Blessed love.

  3. Where can we find a list of the ingredients for this salad dressing? Does your new Kuvings leave your Vitamix out on the poverbial curb? You need to be a spokes person for Kuvings.

  4. This is a lot of fat though with a whole cup of sesame seeds plus a whole cup of hemp hearts. I'd need to only eat 1/7th of that dressing to get about 15% fat on a 2000 cal diet… about how much of that dressing do you eat in one sitting? It looks so yummy! Please tell me I calculated it wrong?!

  5. Hola Cristina he seguido tus vídeos por más de una año y he tratado de seguir una dieta crudivegana y se me elevan mucho mis niveles de azúcar porque tengo diabetes tipo 2. Crees que me puedas dar tu opinión con respecto a este problemita?. Muchas gracias

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