1. Q&A : Asking from Uni student point of view. What is more beneficial, to combine large + small muscle group or to train push, pull, compound in all around training each time? (Insta flooded in such suggestions)
    Stay golden !

  2. Q&A: Hi Wesley, which supplements are basic in your opinion? Do you think glutamine before bed time could be beneficial to increase the natural production of growth hormone? Keep up the great work! Stay golden!

  3. Hi Wesley how come you never train your forearms long time subscriber never se you doing that and one more question how come your brother never takes his top of to show his physique?

  4. I've never wanted anyone to reach a higher level of success (in this youtube fitness bs) other than Wesley, Fb Aftermath, Jeff Loagz and Chris Jones. All you guys deserve everything and more.

  5. you should try turning this into a series and call it day in the life but you dont have to do it daily just every once and a while like you do now or you could just daily vlog 😀

  6. Hi wesley. For the QA:
    What were the main things you learn the past year. If you have to make a review of 2017 what were the most important tips you got from your training or daily life you want to share with us

  7. Q&A

    I asked this on instagram, but i wanna up the chance for this one: (Mind-muscle connecetion) Thing is..
    i have always trained with good form, but i recently discovered mind muscle connection… i must say i feel it for real in the targeted muscles, but I’m a lot weaker. I’m afraid i wont push myself enough for dem gainzz

  8. Bro! Bro! Bro! ..Today i've did this triceps workout and it feels really amazing to my arms ..Your arms are so huge like a hulk i really like it …i have seen your beginning videos too bro..and the way you've grown your body in this short time is just incredible ..I always watch your videos to see how your body is transforming day by day..Thank You for this classic vintage workouts bro and STAY GOLDEN!! Forever.

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