1. Im a big fan of your recepies Nishaji. Every recepie I watch each day will be my menu for d day. Can you plz make a viedo on Rajma beans as alternative for chick peas. Your Tumeric Tea Recepie hepled me to bring down my weight by 5 kgs in a month. Thanks a ton. I still continue it.

  2. I have started to like your videos as you explain them in a suttle way. If you could help me with how to boil Brown/white chickpea to a smooth/mushy texture, i will be glad. i have tried to boil both kinds of chickpeas for long, still they remain bit hard.. kindly help…

  3. Made this recepie today it came very well and I loved the tip of adding capsicum finally which really changed the entire flavor of the recepie ?
    Thank you mam for the yummy and tummy filling recepie ?

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