1. Don't be ashamed of your body. Your body is a temple. If your not happy with the temple than reconstruct it to be stronger and better but remember that even if you want to be a better temple you are still a temple non the less
    And good luck xxx

  2. Im so proud of her for how brave she is to be so open… I'm excited to follow you on your journey to help motivate and support you…. and youve motivated me to start also… cant wait to see the new you… your going to be even more beautiful

  3. You’re gorgeous!! ? & Girl I’m with you. I started my weight loss journey last week. I weight 323. I work out 5 times a week. And replacement one meal a day with a protein packed smoothie. I’ll be subbing to your channel, I would like to follow you on this journey. Good luck and can’t wait to see the new body and healthy you!!

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