1. I would like to try all of the Detox drinks. I really want to get this blender bottle and the powders. I know that I need to detox when I start feeling sluggish.

    I would like to see a video on what to do when you feel you have hit a plataeu!

    I would love for you to follow me as well

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    Making Healthier Choices with Coachtcoakley


  2. I love your channel. My question is,can you please do a collaboration wit Magda Civil? You normally do the eating healthy and she does the fitness work out. It would be a fantastic healthy fitness work out video I'd love to watch. Thank you!???????????

  3. I will be trying Detox #4! Looks delicious. I will also consider Detox #3 when I'm feeling a bit under the weather with a cold. Thanks! 2018 Video suggestion: "Motivation for Couch Potatoes"

  4. I will be trying detoxes 1 and 5. I would like to see a video (if possible) on healthy weight loss for breastfeeding mothers like myself. I know I can’t necessarily diet because the baby needs nutrients from me so it would be nice to see some advice on that. I’ve completed the 8 day videos and subscribed via email. I follow your IG and Youtube.

  5. Great tips! I'm going to use all the ones with the almond milk. Smoothie baby! 😀 Detoxing for me is not about losing weight, as I'm stuck at 122 and I look like a little girl (I'm 28). I'm trying to gain weight, so the detoxing will just be geared to cleansing and removing those toxins from my body as I embark on a new fitness journey this year. I love all the videos I've watched on your channel. I subscribed early last year. For me, anything you put out definitely is worth the watch because I get lots of takeaways. If I were to decide though…it would be seeing a video on breaking the barrier of writer's block. Keep up the good work Doc' 😉

  6. I will be using detox#1 because I need the energy to flush all the toxins and toxicity out of the many facets of my life lol.
    I would like to see a video on staying true to one's self. So many women (men and nb too) live their lives and make long term decisions for their health because they give up on themselves, believing their opinions do not matter.
    I know many women especially that can't workout because they are trying to become a societally ideal shape, rather than just enjoying the journey to better health and the beautification that comes overall from taking care of one's self.
    Worse they don't prioritize with his or her baseline of decision making being self-love. I want to see the opposite in the future for more people.

  7. I will be using detox drinks #1 & #3!! I would love to see videos with details on the best way to cleanse before changing eating habits. I’ve heard of doing a juice cleanse for 3-7 days (but don’t know the best juices to make) or gradually eliminating foods from your diet like no meat, then no fruit, then no veggies, just water. Any suggestions or maybe a video on the topic…. Thanks!

  8. I will be trying Detox #2, and I'll be sure to use your advice about blending it down well before I add the ice cubes. Also I would like to see workout videos for beginners. I'm talking about level 0 beginners. And videos for easy, cheap, quick, and healthy meals for graduate students on a budget.

  9. I'm looking forward to using Detox Smoothie #2. Currently I use Metamucil (and have been for at least a year); but I would much rather prefer a natural alternative, and your recommendation sounds great!!! Also, in 2018 I'd like to see your updated workout routine…Thanks for sharing!!!

  10. Hey Dr. Nina I love you and I really appreciate the encouragement and support you have given to many people through your YouTube channel. I love your 8 day course. The videos had so many things that spoke to my life. I really hope you can upload more videos like those. Thanks so much

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