1. Great tips! I already do green tea, but I love the lemon water tip! I'm gonna stock up on lemons, lol. And by the way, you remind me of a young Angelina Jolie. Anyone else see? Like, late nineties, early 2000's Angelina. And I like your attitude, especially about F-ing the scale. I flip it off every time I get on it and I'd like to take a hammer to it honestly, because I'm losing inches, but it's not going down as fast as I'd like. But I"m motivated and I'm seeing results, so I keep going. I get on it less often and sometimes laugh at it when I'm standing on it, because . . . it's a liar!

  2. Loved your comments on self love and taking time with your journey. I often compare myself to others and even tho I’ve lost 25 lbs I still feel as if I’m not doing enough because I compare my journey to others. It’s important to know any progress is good progress and another people’s success isn’t going to minimize your own! PS. You’re very pretty!

  3. so can u actually go from like a rectangle body to a hour Glass body with just working out? cause ur before body is like mine.. do u have a insta so I can show u my body and give my pointers.. I'm 36 so I want to get into shape.. I'm getting old..

  4. New subbie! I'm so glad I came across your videos, I'm just starting my weight loss journey and you are motivation and serious body goals! I'm trying to lose at least 40lbs and I'm honestly scared that I will give up. I have a major sweet tooth and it's so hard. Any advice?

  5. Hey, I just found your channels. Least August I decided to change my lifestyle to be a healthy one. I made a plan, I wrote it down, set it in stone. It's a slow transition to be healthier step by step. Since August, I've lost 18lbs. It's not much but those are 18lbs I will never have again! I have SO many more lbs to go. All I've changed so far is eating habits. Baby steps.

    I'm glad I found your channel!

  6. I lost 40lbs in 2017 and gained it all back & its because I went hard in the begging hit a plateau & gave up. Not this year! I am sick as hell right now but have started the new year off right! By exercising but listening to my body and resting ? TYSM for all your advice!

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