1. woooo i'm excited to finally share a new fitness video!! i've noticed (for a while now) a huge increase in the unauthenticity of other lifestyle youtubers (no tea no shade) who try to post fitness videos, and i want to share with u guys my real tips & things i do in the gym. Fitness has become a HUGE part of my life & I'm excited to start sharing it in more helpful and honest ways! I refrained from making a new video for a while bc I don't think I'm a full "fitness youtuber" I'm def more of an "all around healthy lifestyle vlogger" but I'll start incorporating more fitness for normal ppl on my channel bc i love it and i want u to too!!!!

  2. Thanks for this routine, Liv! As a "normal" college student (not a fitness buff but trying to be healthy) I found this routine super helpful. Will def try it out next time. Love your vids! 🙂

  3. Your determination to be healthy & fit is honestly so inspiring. I keep thinking I would love if you made a video on how to get & stay motivated to work out. I know you touch on it in a lot of your other videos but maybe if you could really elaborate and tell us some tips it could be so helpful. I've started working out multiple times but then at the first minor inconvenience I would always fall out of my routine and lose motivation to start over etc. I'm sure many people can relate to it. You seem so very committed to working out, regardless how stressful life gets etc. you seem to really find a way to do it, so I would honestly love to hear if you have any advice ? ?
    On another note, you look great honestly and your butt has definitely grown??? you give us petite girls hope haha ??

  4. since i run, i never have time to work on my legs or anything other than running and abs so im definitely going to do this today on top of my runs since i dont have school!!

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