1. I am just now blessed to have come across your videos Hannah, I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU AND FEEL INSPIRED! I really feel like you are talking to me… thank you the mirror you have provided for me, I look forward to how much I may learn from your videos <3

  2. I got frustrated with my weight loss and appearance and ended up going through a lot of stress which resulted in me eating more vegan junk I would not have allowed myself before without thinking about weight gain and such. Once I realized that I wasn't really able to go back to eating super clean all of the time I sort of just let it all go and stopped obsessing so much about my weight gain and food. I did put on a bit of weight initially but what I found was that in letting go of this constant expectations of my body and obsession of what I did or didn't eat that my weight (I try to not actually weigh myself I go by my clothes) levelled off and so did my cravings for more junky foods. It's taken me some time but I've really made peace with my body and my relationship with food. I have a new outlook to eat more healthfully in order to be more healthful. I could look exactly the same so long as I FEEL better by making the best choices I can for myself. Sorry for being so long winded but it has been a journey and a half! Haha. Great video Hannah this is such an important message you are sharing, as always! ?

  3. It's so true what you said about your body releasing the weight when its ready!
    Seeing it like that kinda takes away the stress for me because before I felt like I had to "force" the weight off of my body. You know what I mean? So thank you :))
    Lots of love from germany ♥

  4. I needed this pep talk Hannah… I have to be grateful for other things in my life. If I think about my body in general… well I guess I can be grateful I can draw! But I feel a lot of pain on a daily basis so trick my mind into thinking other things. But yeah, the weight can make me feel like shit too so have to really make an effort to love myself more… helps having my man love me 🙂

  5. I was never an intuitive eater when I was a kid. I was always the fat kid as a child. Always hated myself, even at kindergarten age. It's pretty sad looking back. When I was little my dad told me my stomach was suppose to be flat. I was probably 4 years old when he said that. It's ran through my head for 15 years and was constantly on loop at the peak of my eating disorder. I definitely wasn't a small kid. Wish I was. Maybe all this wouldn't have happened then… 🙁

  6. This is so helpful! I've been doing Slimming World for a month but it feels so restrictive and it allows processed food but not smoothies or mashed bananas etc… It just makes me feel guilty about food, not positive! This video has helped me so much with a different approach 🙂 thank you! x

  7. so true all of it…I always experience it myself. Still i recovery of m eatig disorder I know how much mindset matters…..it is goal…selflove is goal…when´I was in total selflove mode I was so skinny actually eating abundance and color. Nos struggling a little, eating shitt and sort of ok, and not really liking myself I am struggling with my body (still slim) but not feeling good. Loving yourself makes all the difference
    Great Vid hannah, thank you

  8. Hi there! Loving your videos! As a newbie to Vegan, Whole Plant Foods eating….what is the general consensus on Soy products?! Some people say soy is one of the worst things you can eat because it messes w your thyroid, and so then your hormones…..other info I have read says that in moderation, it's all good. I am confused…any thoughts on this?!…thanks in advance from ??

  9. If anyone here suffers from Binge eating/Bulimia I suggest you to read Brain Over Binge book!! there is free PDF on internet!!! PLEASE take a look at it it has helped me im on the process of recovery !! its all about habit nothing about deep emotional need!! please

  10. Hey Hannah, I have to say that I admire you and the way you run this channel. I love how real you are, giving an honest example to all of us out there. It is so nice to see a real person for a change. Thank you for being you in front of the camera I appreciate it very much.

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